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Writer's picturekarensbobalone


It dawned on me how really fitting it is to compare the process of loss to the eruption of a volcano. When a volcano erupts, it is both violent and frightening. If you lived on an island that had a volcanic erupting, everything else ceases to be important. The lava that flows from it burns everything in its path. Yet no volcano erupts forever. Eventually the lava stops flowing down, and it cools. It stops moving, it stops burning, and it becomes a solid. No longer a threat to your existence, it path of destruction becomes only a tribute to its former power. This is how it is with grief. I still feel that the coming to grips with being without your loved one is just a sad statement of human nature. We lose the intensity of reality, our emotions begin to suffer from memory loss. Of course those around yet us forget monumentally faster, and it is some form of consolation that you feel more deeply, but you too will begin to lose touch with the reality of loss. It is with loss as it is with all things, sadly.

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