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Writer's picturekarensbobalone

In a Desert with No Water

A wise older widow said this to me, "living without your spouse doesn't get easier, it gets harder". At the time, that seemed crazy. The pain of losing my Karen was so great, so painful, how could it possibly get harder? Well, now I get it. Day after day, I wake up alone, me, Mr. Romantic. The reality of this becomes more in focus. Slowly, I am reconciling the fact that I will die alone. Sounds a little frightening doesn't it? Well, heck, dying is a personal thing anyway. Well, still, I miss her so. I ache for her. An ache that knows no relief, no end, and that is something new. You know, honestly, I started this blog to offer some insights to others facing the same loss. Now I find myself using it as an outlet for my situation. I guess it is much the same in the end.

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